Top Selling Most Popular Bonika Shears

December 30, 2020 1 min read 0 Comments

Do you want to know what are the most popular shears? What shears sell the most?

Based on sales in 2020 these models of Bonika Shears were the top dozen shears. The links are to the individual best selling shear in that group. In general the 5.5” and 6” are selling equally well. We saw a large increase of shears longer than 7” this year over 2019.

  1. Jazzy  Shears
  2. Rose Shears
  3. Raven Shears
  4. Poison Ivy Green Shears
  5. Twister  Swivel Thumb Shears
  6. Auddy Scissors
  7. Tribal Shears
  8. Rocker Rotating Thumb Shears
  9. Chameleon Shears
  10. Big Red Groomer Barber Shears
  11. Firefly Shears
  12. Fishbone Razor Shears